Suspend Yourself in Nature: Unwinding the Fayettechill Mentality

Words by Ashleigh Rose | @aroseprice
All photos shot in the Ozark Mountains by Henry Head | @hennythepooh |

What happens when we suspend ourselves in nature?

When we allow ourselves to pause and to suspend within a moment, we submit to the present. It is through such intentional presence that we are granted sudden access the secrets of the universe. The world is aching for us to slow down and to pay more attention, though often, as botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer describes, “we are moving too fast and we are too far away; all the stories escape us, except our own." 

In the whirlwind of such escaping moments, of mindless consumerism and lack of attention to detail, the only antidote is to pause and notice the micro details. It is within the details that we are reminded of the deep complexity that we get to be a part of.

At Fayettechill we often reference "suspension in nature." When we pause & suspend ourselves in the moment we re-remember that as humans we are not “separate,” but indeed a part of whole. We are nature in a most elaborate form-- a form made from the same laws as all the rest, gifted the awareness to comprehend our relation to all that is. In the playful words of Brian Swimme, “perhaps the universe is a giant festival and we are the long awaited champagne.”

Through suspension in the present moment and through greater attention to everything that surrounds us, we get to celebrate the perfection of now-- an accumulation of millions of years of trial and error. Through suspension in such perfection we are called to live with more flow, with less destruction, and to deeply cherish all that has been set in motion for us to enjoy.

The world is our playground. Pay attention to its details and watch yourself transform.

At Fayettechill, we live for the transforming moments of suspension. Such mentality has inspired deep connection with others, and a greater appreciation of the planet.

Whether plunging into cold creeks, running down dew-soaked hills of green, connecting with passion-filled athletes from around the country, or exploring unknown canyons, we’re interested in growth, in playing, and in soaking up all that life chooses to reveal to us 

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