Back to School with Herobust
We're excited to welcome Herobust back to the Ozarks by hosting the Back to School / End of Summer Party. We always enjoy the beginning of each new academic season as fresh faces bring new energy to the already active Fayetteville community. To celebrate, we've teamed up with our friends at Beatnick and George's Majestic Lounge to throw a party of sorts. It will be an opportunity for all in town to party up, get down, dance, and let out any summer steam that anyone might have left before autumn settles in.
To anticipate his arrival, we hopped onto the digital channels for a light Q&A exchange with Hayden Kramer, the multi-talented producer, musician, and DJ behind Herobust. The result was a peek into what inspires him to create music for the world. Check out the interview below, plus a handful of select tracks that will prep you proper for our Back to School event with Herobust at George's Majestic Lounge on Thursday, August, 20th.
Thoughts from Herobust:
On Passions
FC: We're all about discovering passions and cultivating them. Why is music your passion, and what do you do to fan the flame if/when distractions come through?
Hayden: I don't think anyone really knows why their passion is what it is. You don't exactly choose it. It's like a discovery. It becomes so fulfilling that you see no option but to devote your life to it. If the passion is real, distractions just don't're basically a slave to it. Music is what I do with every available second of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without it.
On Music Culture
FC: We're a culture as much as an apparel brand. Let's talk culture and the music scene. People might think that electronic music is all flashy lights and heavy bass drops, but a lot of times the people behind it are actually laid back and super down to earth. Can you speak to this at all?
Hayden: There are two sides to electronic music: production and DJing. On stage everything is flashy and loud, as it should be! It's a celebration of the music we love. Production, on the other hand, is the creation of that music and there's nothing flashy about it. It's actually the nerdiest shit ever. A "banger" bangs on a system because the producer was good at engineering some acoustic properties of physics. Learning this type stuff takes time and patience, and that is the chill side of all of this. As artists, we have to be proficient in both worlds. We have to be the recluse who spends hours in the studio fine tuning precise details as well as the party ambassador you see on stage. It's the most fun shit ever.
On Fayetteville
FC: This isn't your first visit to the 479, you've produced a number of memorable shows in Fayetteville over the last couple of years. What are you thoughts on George's Majestic Lounge, Fayetteville fans, and the Ozarks in general? We named our company Fayettechill because of the down-to-earth lifestyle people tend to gravitate towards here. Do you pick up these vibes, or have anything to comment?
Hayden: People always ask my where my favorite places to play are and they're always surprised when Fayetteville is on that list. They clearly have not played at George's yet. The people are down-to-earth and welcoming, but they also go haaaaaarrrrd at shows! On top of that, they like that filthy, grimey southern shit that I'm all about.
About a year ago, I finished a tune called Sheknowshebad. I wanted to get a live recording of me playing it for the first time so I could post a preview online. Choosing the city for this was tough. It had to be a good show with a great vibe and lots of energy. When the time came, I knew I could count on Fayetteville.
We're stoked to see what fresh fire Herobust is going to bring to town Thursday night. It will no doubt be a good time to get down. Details for the event can be found here, and you can purchase in advance through George's Majestic for $10, or for $12 the night of, at the door. For FC fans, Herobust, or both, don't miss out on our pre-show meet-n-greet pizza party at Basecamp on Thursday night from 6-7pm! ❀

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